| |OCTOBER 20219with T&Cs in fine print brandishing a well-hidden and large carbon footprint.A trendy packaging solution makes use of fabric, draw-ing inspiration from the Japanese art of gift-wrapping with a cloth called furoshiki, a beautiful tradition for which you can find hundreds of tutorials online. Now, pray tell, what does this have to do with hemp, you may ask? The answer lies in the largely untapped industrial uses for hemp, one of which includes turning its much-coveted stem into the fab-ric. Studies have shown that as a fibre crop, hemp provides an extremely high yield, almost 250% more fibre than even cotton. Given its properties of being a fast-growing, low-maintenance crop, hemp fabric could be the textile of the future.Moving inward hemp fabric is not just ideal as a wrap-ping solution but as a gift in itself for people who love cre-ating garments from scratch. Hemps uses are not limited to this, as various brands, such B Label, have hemp fashion lines for those drawn to the prêt-à-porter side of things. BOHECO Life has a gifting range with health and wellness products such as Hemp Nutrition and Wellness, Hemp Per-sonal Care, and Hemp Petcare! Hemp is a miracle plant with a myriad of uses. It prom-ises head-to-toe benefits inside and out, along with a 0% chance of guilt. Hemp products are the future of sustain-able gifting and are systematically reinventing an age-old practice in an inventive manner. A simple offering goes a long way, and using eco-friendly alternatives in our ges-tures for others is often more thought-provoking than even a campaign may be. trendy packaging solution makes use of fabric, drawing inspiration from the Japanese art of gift-wrapping with a cloth called furoshiki
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