MARCH 20253FOSTERING ANENVIRONMENTTHAT IS INHARMONY WITHNATURE."Your path to a greener, more profitable future throughoperational excellence, supply chain optimisation, and ESGexpertise, ensuring sustained business profitability with NetZero Compliance"Your sustainability journey starts with our AIbased SaaS solution platform which givescomprehensive carbon emission study andtransformation maps generated by AI forbecoming carbon neutral by 2030. Generateyour Carbon Emission Foot Print, CBAM , ESG,BRSR and GRI reports in one go.COUNT ON US FORSaaS based Carbon Foot Print CalculationStrategies to for Net Zero Road MapConverting CFP into PCFPGreen Energy SolutionsSolar and Wind EnergyCBAM Study and ReportingESG and SDGGHG Emission StudySustainability CertificationBRSR and GRI ReportingAssurance CertificateCarbon Credits TradingArchitectural solutions"Join us in crafting a sustainable futureby embracing impactful sustainabilitypractices."Call:8072263625e-mail: ceo@bhumimithr.comwebsite:
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