MARCH 20252PRODUCTS:· Chemical Earthing· Soil resistivity Improvement compound· Lightning arrester· Earthing pit covers· Electrical geysers· Electrical Power saver· Other Electrical appliances· PC / Mobile based Software and so onABOUT USCONTACT USFounded in January 2023, with focus on giving On time service to customer, we are dealing in Manufacturing, Marketing and after sale activities in Various products like Earthing electrodes, Soil resistivity Improvement compound, Earthing pit cover, Lightning arrester, Power saver, Electrical geysers and so on. We are also in Software developments as per need of customer in various residential/commercial/industrial projects. Our team continuously work on customer problems and their solutions to enhance the productivity of their organization.Phulenagar Gat No. 327 Pune Solapur Road Loni Kalbhor, Pune 412201, Maharashtra9420415864 / 7020735788 / 9175820129/ 9175541480/
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