RPP Infra Projects has bagged four new orders worth Rs 1000 crore. In a regulatory filing, the company informed that it has received letter of acceptance for 4 new projects. The first order is from Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board for Rs 131.14 crore.
“Jal Jeevan Mission for 2020-21 - CWSS to 442 Habitations in Modakurichi Union in Erode District (Period of completion: 18 months, Trial Run: 6 months and Paid maintenance: 12 months) at a contract Price of Rs 131.14 Crores,” it said.
The company has also received orders from Highways Department- Chennai Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor project for Rs 558.66 crore. The order will include upgradation of Malliyakarai-Rasipuram Tiruchengode-Erode Road and Kanchipuram-Arakkaonam-Thiruthani Road for Rs 199.60 crore and Rs 359.06 crore respectively.
RPP Infra Projects said it has secured Rs 187.14 crore order from Greater Chennai Corporation – Strom Water Drain Department and Rs 123.07 crore order from Water Resource Department, Tamil Nadu. RPP Infra said it has an outstanding order book of Rs 3,200 crore.
“It’s a huge opportunity in the core competency areas of the company and it’s a further boost to the Infrastructure sector. We are keen supporter of the various measure taken by the centre and state government and will work further to contribute towards economy,” the company said.