The Make in India initiative has brought about a sea-change in the electronics manufacturing in India. Radiant Appliances and Electronics, shines as one of the front runners in the Make in India campaign and stays way ahead, with their relentless focus on international quality, manufacturing standards and services.
Part of the Resolute Group of Companies, Radiant Appliance and Electronics is a premier manufacturing company that caters to the consumer electronics and home appliances industry. Headquartered in Hyderabad, Radiant is the first company to manufacture LED TVs for global market leaders and well-known MNCs from a state-of-the-art facility at E-City, Hyderabad, Telangana. Radiant is one of the largest manufacturers of televisions in India, and manufacturers TVs for OEMs that cater to more than 40% of the Indian television market.
Radiant believes in consistently working on improving their quality of output to attract customers and retain their position in the market. To ensure that its customers’ needs are addressed, Radiant prioritises embracing new ideas and technology. Radiant has a state-of-the-art facility spread over 11 acres, custom designed for LED TV assembly and has an additional 45 acres available for further expansion. The firm also has a Class 10,000 Clean Room LCM assembly with highly scalable, technologically
driven manufacturing lines that house a 2000+ strong skilled workforce.
Highest Quality Standards the Key to Radiant’s Success and Reputation
Radiant Appliances follows a robust quality assurance methodology to ensure that only the highest quality products are delivered time and again. Accordingly, Radiant Appliances has a dedicated, highly qualified quality assurance (QA) team that develops a quality plan for every single product and process. Each process is validated and assessed with the help of statistical tools to ensure that there are no deviations in the desired quality of the final product. Radiant Appliances also regularly reviews its suppliers in line with customer quality requirements.
Radiant also believes that testing and inspection are essential to guaranteeing that every unit leaving the factory performs as intended. The company offers highly adaptable, flexible, and tailor-made testing for each client’s specific requirements. Radiant’s test methods focus on high performance in terms of fault coverage, increased reliability, and optimised yields. Radiant’s QA process rests on its comprehensive Quality Management System (QMS), through which the firm ensures highest customer satisfaction by exceeding customer expectations and requirements. Radiant’s facility complies with international standards like BIS, BEE, and WPC.
Radiant Appliances follows a robust quality assurance methodology to ensure that only the highest quality products are delivered time and again
Radiant manufactures LED TVs for all the top brands in the market. The present assembly process involves LCM (Open Cell) assembly and Final Assembly. More so, the firm is in the process of expanding the plant and is adding further capabilities on backward integration with regards to sheet metal, plastics and PCBA. Given that supply chain management is the fundamental frame of any manufacturing company, Radiant operates in a close-knit supply chain network with its global partners and maps out material requirements well in advance to ensure timely order fulfilment. While ensuring Quick Time to Market, Radiant also possesses adequate warehousing space to handle Raw materials and Finished Goods. Radiant has also developed a strong network of local suppliers who deliver materials in a JIT model for efficient operations. Most importantly, Radiant extends complete support to its clients in managing customer field returns/market complaints.
Radiant collaborates as a trusted partner, striving to be Adaptive, Agile and Savvy, to offer innovative solutions. The firm envisions to have its product being used in every household in the world.
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