Union Petroleum Minister Hardeep Singh Puri announced on Friday that Uttar Pradesh is on track to have 100 compressed bio-gas (CBG) plants soon. Speaking at the inauguration of a CBG plant, the Union minister underscored the importance of CBG plants in environmental conservation, enhancing farmers' income, and promoting energy self-sufficiency.
Currently, the state hosts 10 CBG facilities. The newly inaugurated plant, established by Indian Oil with an investment of Rs 165 crore, will utilize 200 metric tons of agricultural residue, 20 metric tons of press mud, and 10 metric tons of cow dung daily. It is expected to produce approximately 20 metric tons of bio-gas and 125 metric tons of organic fertilizer daily, contributing to agricultural productivity enhancement.
Puri expressed satisfaction with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's Green Hydrogen Policy, aimed at environmental preservation, and anticipated substantial investments in this sector. Plans are also underway to establish green hydrogen plants in Uttar Pradesh's Sonbhadra district, a district adopted by him.
Highlighting the pivotal role of farmers in the energy sector, Puri associated them with the CBG plant's operations. He also recalled the inception of gas cylinder distribution in the country 60 years ago, emphasizing that under Prime Minister Modi's leadership, the number of gas connections has surged from 14 crores in 2014 to 32 crores presently. The Ujjwala scheme, launched in 2016, has provided free gas connections to 10 crore women, including 8 crore rural women, he added.
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