The Finance Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Suresh Kumar Khanna, announced in the state assembly on Feb 5 that the government has allocated Rs 1,150 crore for the upcoming Noida International Airport at Gautam Buddha Nagar in the budget for the fiscal year 2024-25. Khanna mentioned that the funds would be used for the establishment of an international airport and the purchase of land in Jewar of Gautam Buddha Nagar district.
Development is currently underway for phase one of Noida International Airport, which is scheduled to open for commercial operations by the end of this year. In his budget speech, Khanna mentioned that with the recent inauguration of Maharishi Valmiki International Airport in Ayodhya, four international airports have become operational in the state, and South Asia's largest international airport will soon open in Jewar, Noida.
Khanna said that Uttar Pradesh will be the only state in India to have five international airports. The minister also noted that continuous efforts are being made to improve air connectivity in the state. Initiatives are being carried out under the Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS-UDAN) of the Centre and Civil Aviation Promotion Policy of the state government to achieve this objective.
Khanna mentioned that there was a 19.2 per cent increase in air travellers in the current financial year compared to the last financial year.
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