Bosch shares climbed 6.5 percent on Wednesday after the company announced that they are going to open a smart campus in Bangalore where 10,000 engineers are to be employed. With an investment of Rs 800 crore, the campus is to be developed in a 75-acre land in Adugodi, Bangalore. Bosch is all set to open its second-largest global
smart campus to showcase its R&D capabilities in both automotive and non-automotive products and services in Bengaluru in June 2022.
Bosch employs over 31,500 associates in India and is home to 18,000 engineers across 7 locations, representing the largest Bosch R&D workforce outside Germany. Over 5,250 associates — nearly 25 per cent of the workforce — have been trained in AI and ML-related skills to create more value for customers.
Bosch has steadily expanded its product portfolio, with a major focus on localized offerings and India-first innovations built with the highest quality of German engineering.
Bosch Home Appliances will invest 100 million Euros (approx. Rs 8.7 million) over the next 3-4 years towards personalized solutions, brand building, strengthening its tech center and UX studies and magnifying India’s role, globally.