India's first semiconductor fab unit will be set up in Dholera by a joint-venture entity formed by Vedanta Limited and Foxconn for a $20 billion investment, according to Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Union minister of state for electronics and information technology, reports Niyati Parikh. The entity has agreed to choose Dholera, and will be the first semiconductor unit in India. The minister was in Ahmedabad to kick off the first roadshow of Semicon India Future Design programme at Karnavati University.
Last month, Vedanta-Foxconn signed an MoU with Gujarat government to set up a semiconductor fab unit, a display fab unit, and a semiconductor assembling and testing unit. The decks are clear and India's first semiconductor fabrication plant (fab) will be set up in Dholera by a joint-venture entity formed by Indian oil and gas and metals conglomerate, Vedanta Limited, and Taiwanese multinational Foxconn, with $20 billion investments, according to Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Union minister of state for electronics and information technology (MeiTY). In an exclusive
interaction with TOI, Chandrasekhar said that the establishment at Dholera is most likely and the largest proposal for investment under the semiconductor policy is from Vedanta-Foxconn. "The joint venture entity has agreed with the Gujarat government that they will be based in Dholera, and the premise is that it will be the first semiconductor fab of India," Chandrasekhar said. He was in Ahmedabad to kick off the first roadshow of MeiTY's Semicon India Future Design programme at Karnavati University in Uvarsad.
Last month, Vedanta-Foxconn signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Gujarat government, to set up a semiconductor fab unit, a display fab unit, and a semiconductor assembling and testing unit in Ahmedabad district. "By 2025-26, India's total semiconductor imports will be worth $90 billion. If the market continues to grow the way it is growing, at least 30%-35% of the demand for semiconductors will be addressed through the Dholera fab," Chandrasekhar added. The minister also said Dholera will become the most significant semiconductor manufacturing centre in Asia.
"Around the fab there is an explosion of manufacturing and design opportunities in semiconductors and electronics. Therefore, I said, Dholera and Gujarat have a significant opportunity to become one of the big semiconductor and design ecosystems in India," he said. According to him, short-term disruptions will not affect capex plans in this sector.
"Russia-Ukraine will disrupt us in 2022-23 and the effect may be seen in part of 2023-24 too. However, the planning and economic vision for semiconductor manufacturing is for the next decade. Value chains are changing after Covid-19 and we want India to be a trusted partner in the supply chain for semiconductors to the world," he said. According to well-placed sources, MeiTY already has at least five proposals from companies to invest in India for semiconductor manufacturing. "All key foreign players have shown a willingness to come to India for semiconductor manufacturing," Chandrasekhar said.