Godawari Electric Motors announced that over the next three years, company will invest Rs 100 crore to create new electric goods and strengthen its nationwide sales network. With the release of the Eblu Feo, priced at Rs 99,999 lakh, the Raipur-based company entered the market for electric two-wheelers.
"Up to this point, we have spent almost Rs 100 crore on the firm. According to Godawari Electric Motors CEO Hyder Khan, over the next three years, the company plans to invest an additional Rs 100 crore in the creation of new products, improving product quality, and expanding its sales infrastructure.
He stated that the business now intends to expand its sales network across the nation with the release of the Eblu Feo. "Now that the new product is available, we're going all out to have 50 dealers by the end of September. We hope to have 100 dealers by the end of this fiscal year," Khan stated.
He mentioned that Godawari Electric Motors' plant in Raipur has a monthly capacity of about 4,000 e-scooter units. According to Khan, the company intends to sell between 12,000 and 15,000 units overall by the end of this year. In the following six months, the business intends to release a second electric scooter.In a statement on the Eblu Feo, he said that the electric scooter is built to meet the needs of every member of a family and has a driving range of 110 km on a single charge.
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