The Indian agricultural products market is undergoing rapid growth, which is caused by factors like population rise, higher incomes, urbanization and changing consumer tastes. India with its largest agricultural commodity producer title on the planet presents a huge opportunity for innovative and growth-oriented business in agri-products sector. Startups are contributing a significant part of the growth of the Indian agriculture in addition to the transformation of the Indian agricultural face. Such agri-preneurial ventures which are largely technology driven, data analytic and innovative business models are solving key problems across the agriculture value chain, from farm to fork. Among the areas that startups are much distinctive is the farm-to-market linkage. The creation of digital platforms and mobile apps allow startups to fight the middle persons and to make the supply chain shorter and more efficient.
Moreover, startups have new agri-input solutions that are bringing about farming efficiency and sustainability. The range of startups is from millet precision agriculture technologies to IoT sensors to bio-based fertilizers and organic pesticides. They all offer tailor-made solutions to farmers which are more efficient, friendlier to the environment and with higher yields. In addition, startups are the patent holders of the technology that has revolutionized food processing and value-added agri-products industries. This is achieved through the use of advanced food processing techniques, the creation of functional food ingredients, and the development of ready to eat packaged food products. The startups are filling a market gap by taking advantage of the changing dietary needs and preferences of consumers. In addition, startups are driving sustainable agriculture and agroecology which have become a key.
In this issue, we acquaint you with the top startups in this field. After studying the industry landscape in-depth, Industry Outlook has zeroed in on the top companies that have excelled with their meticulous approach. Having proven their dedication in order to meet the customer’s expectations in an end-to-end manner, these companies have stood out from the crowd.
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