Industry experts predict that in this era of globalization, industrial sourcing must continually boost efficiency and go beyond corporate borders into the global arena in order to compete in new era of global marketplaces. It is becoming increasingly essential to explore and discover solutions in order to succeed at supplying excellent products at competitive pricing. A firm must have access to labour, raw materials and other resources in order to flourish.
Machinery must be obtained from throughout the world in unfinished, semi-finished, and finished stages, and supplied to customers globally. Clients are looking for consultants that can help them in transforming strategic sourcing and procurement departments to meet internal and external needs and to increase market intelligence.
NS Consultants located at New Delhi and Bangalore in India is a global solutions provider that offers technology, process design and engineering, supply, construction, commissioning, and variety of comprehensive solutions. The company provides hassle-free services to its customers, helping them in transforming strategic sourcing and procurement departments through its services.
Customers don't have to wait for experts of other countries to visit their site as they charge hefty fees and cause a minimum delay of 15 days to restart the plant. “Our basic mantra is to keep our clients satisfied and free of any troubles at manufacturing facilities, thus we are always improving our abilities and training programs for concerned employees”, says Sushil Sharma, Consultant.
Initial Journey Of The Company
NS Consultants began its journey by acquiring clients' polymer segment demands, such as expanded polyethylene manufacturing machines from South Korea and Taiwan. It was an age when few firms used to import machinery for themselves and did not enable others to learn about technology, while making great profits. NS Consultants acquired machinery for customers at extremely low costs and successfully performed projects in India on a turnkey basis, with product quality significantly superior than the established so-called industry legends at the time.
High Quality Machines At Affordable Rates
Later on the company began to customize South Korean or Taiwanese machines into Chinese machines in its own territory. All the C&F agents of big component companies were in China, so it started designing those cheap machines with the best specifications in the world. The biggest advantage of this decision was that the company offered the machines at the same price at which they are offered in China, but the quality was global, with a trouble free life for at least five years.
Customers were pleased with those machines and the end product was also very good. As a result of the model introduced by NS Consultants, the Indian EPE industry has grown, and the company has now commissioned more than 115 large machines in India, with more on its way.
Globally Approved Optimal Solutions
Most crucially, NS Consultants has erased the need to call engineers from other countries to install those machines. Now, consumers don’t need to wait if any problem arises in the machine as the technicians of NS Consultants are only a phone call away and solutions are provided in most cases through call or video conference. The
company gradually built a PAN-India staff for any type of maintenance of its machines.
The firm provides globally available optimal solutions to its consumers and the price scale makes it local. It provides a relief to the customers as they don’t have to pay for 15 days long stays, foreign flights, and other fees incurred by an overseas expert. Hence, it can be said that NS Consultants is teaching Indian engineers to become specialists in global machinery in order to give better solutions at a lower cost.
N.S. Consultants is determined to tie all its present and potential clients to build their companies with them. It constantly welcomes their important comments in areas such as raw material formulation, waste control management, operator training, offering instructions to maximize the use of land and industrial sheds with world-class safety measures. Recently, NS Consultants increased the output of a machine for one of its client in Maharashtra by changing the old 180 mm screw size to 220 mm screw diameter. The total cost of these changes was only $60,000, whereas a new set-up costs around two crores and takes a long time. This machine works entirely like new and the quality is much better than the previous one.
Added Support To Customers
The top priority of NS Consultants remains the image building of the client or company, and for that, the skill set and non negligent behavior of the staff is required. So, the firm is on a zero-tolerance and no discount policy if any problem arises with the product. The company doesn't just fix the plants and provide trials, but also offers them complete solutions because it firmly believes that the type of business it is dealing with, allows people to be pleased so that they can sleep without any fret. It enables all of its projects to produce daily executive summaries as well as daily balance sheets that explain working hours, skill utilization, and net earnings for the day. This, along with minute stock details in the production, satisfies the customers of NS Consultants.
Bipin Bihari Pathak, Consultant
NS Consultants is always working in the direction to expand its company and thus it is always updating technology and purchasing machines at rock bottom prices. The company has strong alliances and has already implemented Bioethanol’s 15 mega projects, out of which several were for greenfield, some for EPC, and others for PMC. In terms of Bioethanol, the firm follows regulatory guidelines, have a zero liquid discharge application and only work on environmentally favorable initiatives.
As of now, the sister concern NSEPC Consultants India, is involved in reducing ethanol plant and machinery prices on the same verge as for the polymer segment and creating difference and their own USP by reducing prices with a minimum difference of Rs.20 crores on a small project size of 65 KLPD itself. On higher capacities the price gap is much higher. Most importantly, they are creating awareness of all components by comparing the specifications on an apple-to-apple basis.
Biggest strength of the group is that they have a director, who has a vast experience of 35 years of working with all kinds of distilleries and refineries so this group understands the deep intricacies of machinery and are currently delegating responsibilities and sharing their experiences to newer technocrats.
NS consultants Began its journey By acquiring clients' Polymer Segment demands, Such as expanded Polyethylene Manufacturing Machines from south Korea and taiwan
Future Plans & Expectations
The firm is aiming to build a global human chain that allows customers to find any item, machinery, or commodity within hours at the greatest possible price. The company has always sought to broaden its customer base or develop a new business model on a different terrain of the earth. While India is cost competitive in terms of production of high precision and efficient machines, it has precision constraints in developing heavy or large machines in India.
India is a vast rising economy, and so is the market. The company believes that India can lead the industry if it has good machinery, technology and a full manufacturing solution. The present increase in the US consumer market is projected to be duplicated in Canada, Russia, Europe, China, Japan, and India in the near future.
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