Plant and machinery valuation is a critical aspect for every industrial segment that includes – agriculture, construction, mining, food manufacturing and processing, communication and computing industries, and more. An effective and efficient plant and
equipment valuation is crucial for identifying, describing, determining the price and establishing the value of fixed assets. Furthermore, understanding the market value of the firm’s capital assets will help the management to make informed business decisions, particularly when it comes to financial or market transactions and risk insurance coverage.
Melissa Lee, Associate Director of Valuation and Advisory Services, Colliers International said, “Plant and machinery valuation makes good business sense since it ensures that the estimated value of the equipment is adequately recorded. Valuation of such assets is done for a variety of reasons, including accounting, M&A allocation, yearly financial reporting, financing, asset acquisition and disposal, leasing, and insurance. It may also be used to estimate the asset's remaining useful life and residual value.”
Moreover, new technologies are changing the way businesses operate. In particular, Industry 4.0 will certainly impact industrial machinery as automation, robotics, additive manufacturing, and digital innovation take flight. Operating models will change - plants will likely go high-tech and machineries will be more connected and data-driven than ever. In this hour of change the plant and machinery service providers are also upgrading their service structure and bringing advanced technologies like AI, ML, Big data etc, to deliver a precise data driven valuation service. Now, let's look at the key technologies that will shape the future of the Plant and machinery valuation market.
Utilization Of Drone For Big Plant
Drones may still sound a little like science fiction, but their use is rapidly becoming mainstream. The practical applications of drones are multiplying - from energy generation to the protection of birds of prey.