The world looks to India on several fronts. In recent years, it created a massive expansion in renewable energy. India's effort at promoting LED lighting for example is a huge success story. This has brought big savings in power use, greenhouse gas emissions and household bills.
These were the views of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director Inger Andersen in an exclusive interview with IANS on Saturday, a day ahead of the resumed fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) -- the world's parliament on the environment -- that will see representatives of the 193 Member States of the United Nations, business leaders, civil society and environmentalists in Nairobi, Kenya.
The resumed session which will run till March 2 with countries attempting to find solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing the earth.
Praising India's 'bold' pledges and actions, Danish economist and environmentalist Andersen, who took up her new role as Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme on June 15, 2019, told IANS India has also taken steps to control plastic pollution, including bans on single-use plastic and strengthening extended producer responsibility.
"India has also committed to restoring 26 million hectares of degraded land by 2030."
Prior to joining UNEP, Andersen was the Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and held various leadership roles at the World Bank.
She believes India, like every nation, must do more.
"And doing more is in the best interests of the entire nation. IEA (International Energy Agency) studies show that a transition to net-zero carbon can catalyze new industries, create millions of jobs, and drive trillions of dollars of economic value."
Quoting a recent World Economic Forum estimate, she says India's decarbonization journey represents a $15 trillion economic opportunity by 2070. "This journey could create as many as 50 million net new jobs. With an estimated 10 million Indians having lost their jobs from the second wave of the pandemic, investing in ecosystem restoration becomes even more important for sustaining household incomes.
"As India assumes the leadership of the G20, here too we see a big role for the country to make a massive push for sustainability. After all, the G20 accounts for 78 per cent of global emissions. When the G20 moves, so too will the world."
On India's announcement to eliminate 20 identified single-use plastics in the country from July 1, the UNEP chief said, "Plastic pollution is a