Volkswagen India has partnered with the Centre's Kendriya Police Kalyan Bhandar scheme to provide its products to central security personnel and their families. Volkswagen India is making its entire vehicle lineup available to KPKB scheme beneficiaries across the country as part of this initiative.
The Ministry of Home Affairs launched the KPKB scheme in 2006 as a welfare initiative. It serves current and retired members of the Central Armed Police Forces, as well as their families.
This new initiative, which aims to improve the accessibility of its car portfolio, allows beneficiaries to experience world-class mobility at an even more affordable price, according to a statement from the company.
In India, Volkswagen sells the Virtus mid-size sedan, the Taigun sports utility vehicle, and the Tiguan premium SUV.
Border Security Forces, Central Reserve Police Force, Central Industrial Security Force, and Indo-Tibetan Border Force are among the security forces covered by the scheme.
The benefits of the scheme are also extended to members of the State Police Forces, the Railway Protection Force, the Intelligence Bureau, the Special Protection Group, the National Crime Records Bureau, and the National Investigation Agency, according to the statement.
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