As per Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Palanivel Thiagarajan, during a literary festival, India, a tropical nation, may look forward to exploring prospects in the renewable energy sector. The TN minister stated that East Asian nations, in particular South Korea and Japan, are anticipating making investments abroad once the globe has recovered from COVID-19. The minister also stated that India can increase its interactions with global finance and gain from them. Thiagarajan claimed that throughout the previous three decades of liberalisation, India's economic inequality has increased during his speech at the
Mathrubhumi International Festival of Letters. The country may profit from the current global slowdown by utilising its enormous natural resources in the post-pandemic era, he added. "India's economic imbalance has only grown over the previous three decades of liberalisation," he said. Solar energy has enormous promise in a nation like India, Thiagarajan continued. "India, a tropical nation, can anticipate investigating potential in the renewable energy industry. For instance, there is a tonne of potential for wind energy production in Tamil Nadu. The summers are lengthy and the sun is out for a long time up north. Solar power has enormous potential "said he.
In the meantime, Thiagarajan stated on Saturday that the "attempts at homogenization by the ruling party at the Centre constituted a grave threat to the federal system of India" while speaking at another session of the MBIFL.
Thiagarajan drew attention to the disparity in tax allocation by the Central government, noting that northern states receive a larger share due to factors like high population, while southern states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala are now effectively penalised for meeting national development goals in terms of population control because of the proportional population figures that place them at a disadvantage.