Tata Motorsaims to boost its production potential by investing $1 billion in an ultra-modern plant that will be situated in Tamil Nadu state, southern India. The sources who are in the knowledge of the company's strategies revealed it that the plant will be engaged in making of the luxury vehicles under the banner of Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) according to sources. Tata Motors announces the investment in March, but the details about the brands of the cars being manufactured were not previously known until the current time.
This latest example shows the deliberate strategy of the company to more completely and profitably assimilate JLR into its operations, which is a result of its acquisition of the luxury brand in 2008.
Apart from that, the Indian automaker has already demonstrated that its wholesales worldwide are increasing once again over the fourth quarter of 2023-2024. Comprising up to 377,432 units, this figure is the growth of approximately eight percent as compared to the incomparable time a year ago.
What is remarkable about this report is the fact that the passenger vehicles segment, which is made up of electric vehicles, performed strongly by boosting the number of units sold by 15 percentage points. The number of units for the same period reached 155,651.
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