The Himachal Pradesh government said that it would establish two Gramm Panchayats each in each of the state's 12 districts as "Green Panchayats" as a test of the concept. Setting up solar power installations with a capacity of 500 kilowatts to one megawatt in each of these panchayats is part of the government's overall goal to revitalize the panchayats.
For the establishment of these projects under the Himachal Pradesh Power Sector Development Programme, an allocation of Rs 50 crore has been established. A state government initiative called Himurja is looking for gramme panchayats to establish up solar plants. The state's youth will receive a 40% subsidy for installing solar power projects on their own property or land they have leased, ranging in size from 500 KW to 2 MW.
The State Electricity Board will purchase the electricity produced by these plants. Once operational, a 500 KW solar plant costs about Rs 2.10 crore and produces 2,250 units of power per day, yielding about Rs 25 lakh in revenue annually.
By March 31, 2026, the administration hopes to have transformed the state into a "Green Energy State." In order to lessen reliance on fossil fuels and minimise carbon emissions, it is also trying to upgrade the state's public transportation system with the use of electric vehicles.
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