Rajnath Ram, the energy adviser for Niti Aayog, Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), which operates under the auspices of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), is taking efforts to call the tender for the establishment of electrolyser manufacturing facilities by the industry for the production of green hydrogen in the nation. "The incentives for producing electrolysers and green hydrogen, the waiver of transmission fees, and the reimbursement of the banking fees will undoubtedly help the industry to set up manufacturing units, and SECI is already moving to call the tenders in this regard," he said.
Over a thousand large-scale clean hydrogen projects have been announced, and there has been a global push in recent years in favour of hydrogen production. 800 of these projects will be fully or substantially operational by 2030. This is expected to require investments of $320 billion, with the top nations being the US, China, and EU members.
Additionally, it is anticipated that by 2030, there will be about 230 GW of electrolysis capacity worldwide, with India committing to have about 25 GW of that capacity, or about 11% of the total. India presently makes up 9–10% of the world's hydrogen consumption on the demand side as well.
Ram, India will need to develop a significant momentum in the storage of green hydrogen, generating and transmission infrastructure, and crucial material supply chain. He stated that the nation also plans to produce green hydrogen for use in transportation beyond the year 2030, which will necessitate establishing infrastructure, refuelling stations, and the corresponding investments.
By 2030, there will be roughly 38 MT per year of clean hydrogen in operation worldwide. That, however, would only fulfil around 50% of the demand from rich countries. Accordingly, if they are to achieve their net zero goal by 2050, they must manufacture roughly 75 MT of clean hydrogen.
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