PTC India's CMD Rajib Kumar Mishra, the company intends to offer round-the-clock (RTC) power options by "blending" thermal and green energy. The official said this while speaking at the company's 24th Annual Day in the capital. The offers will also include storage options. "PTC India is steadfast and committed to assuming market risks and positions. PTC India, which is concentrated on developing novel solutions and serving as a virtual power plant, seeks to deliver round-the-clock power supplies by fusing renewable energy with thermal generation and storage solutions, according to Mishra.
PTC is a public-private partnership with the power ministry's major PSUs serving as its promoters. It engages in both short-term and long-term trading activities involving power produced by substantial power installations. The CMD continued, "Our driving force has been innovation. We use cutting-edge data analytics to streamline processes and provide the finest solutions.
The business established the Indian power market. The government has also made it mandatory to trade electricity with Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal. PTC India's combined total revenue for the most recent fiscal year was Rs 16,002.51 crore compared to Rs 16,879.77 crore the year before, while its net profit was Rs 507 crore as opposed to Rs 551.67 crore the year before.
Only 16 percent of the company is owned by the promoter corporations (POWERGRID, NTPC, PFC, and NHPC), with the other 84 percent being owned by banks, major utilities, and the general public. PTC India Limited was established in April 1999 in response to a demand from private power project developers for a facility that would offer credit risk mitigation. The government established the corporation at a period when no private operator was ready to enter this market.
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