A few retail fuel outlets of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd suffered temporary shortage of supplies in Chennai due to operational issues and was restored, officials said. But, IndianOil said it did not face any such issues. "The fuel supply
shortage as was reported in a section of the media does not pertain fully with the oil industry, only with Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd," said a source in the industry. "IndianOil retail outlets have been fully supplied with their needs every day, even on Sundays. There were no dry-outs in IndianOil petrol bunks in Tamil Nadu." said an official.
Meanwhile, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd said the supply of both petrol and diesel in Chennai was disrupted.
"Due to some operational issues, there were some disruptions in supply of petrol and diesel in Chennai. It has now become normal. We thank our customers and assure them of our commitment to uninterrupted supplies across our network," said BPCL.