Kalpataru Projects International Limited (KPIL), it has received fresh orders totaling Rs. 2,217 crore both domestically and abroad. The company's B&F (building and factories section) has obtained fresh orders of Rs 224 crore in the domestic market, according to a regulatory filing from KPIL. This contrasts with the T&D (transmission and distribution) business, which has secured contracts worth Rs 1,993 crore in India and overseas markets.
Manish Mohnot, MD & CEO, KPIL, said, we are delighted with the significant order wins, resulting in our total order inflows reaching Rs 10,616 crore in the current financial year. With notable order inflows of approximately Rs 5,400 crores up to this point in FY24 for our main T&D sector, there is good hope for future growth. According to him, the company also holds a further L1 (lowest bidder) position worth roughly Rs 4,000 crore, which is mostly divided across the T&D, B&F, and water business.
KPIL is one of the biggest specialised EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) companies working on flyovers, metro rail, airports, buildings & industries, water supply & irrigation, railroads, oil & gas pipelines, and other types of urban transportation. The company now works on projects in more than 30 nations and has a global presence in more than 70 nations.
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