JSW Steel posted 14 per cent year-on-year growth in its crude steel output to 15.69 lakh tonne (LT) in July 2022. The company had produced 13.82 LT crude steel in July 2021, it said in a statement.
The production of flat rolled products rose 15 per cent to 10.72 LT in July 2022, from 9.34 LT in the same month last year. Its long rolled products output also registered a 19 per cent rise to 3.65 LT against 3.06 LT a year ago.
JSW Steel is the flagship company of the USD 22-billion diversified JSW Group. The group has presence in various sectors, such as energy, infrastructure, cement, paints, sports and venture capital.
Its Chairman and Managing Director Sajjan Jindal has said the company will invest over Rs 48,700 crore over the next three years as part of its capex (capital expenditure) plan, of which Rs 20,000 crore has been earmarked for 2022-23.