India's power consumption increased 10% to 1375.57 billion units (BU) from April to February of this fiscal year, exceeding the total amount of electricity supplied in 2021–2022. According to official figures, 1245.54 BU of electricity were consumed between April and February 2021–2022. Power usage for the entire fiscal year 2021–22 was 1374.02 BU, which is less than the 1375.57 BU measured from April 2022 to February
2023. Analysts predict that power consumption will increase by double digits in the upcoming months due to anticipated historically high demand, particularly in the summer. Peak power demand in the nation was predicted by the power ministry to be 229 GW in April of this year, up from 215.88 GW in the same month last year. The government has made several efforts to accommodate the high demand for electricity and has also requested that state utilities refrain from using load shedding or power cuts. Also, the government has mandated that all imported coal-based power plants operate at full capacity between March 16 and June 15, 2023.
Besides, it has asked other thermal power generators to import coal for blending with domestic dry fuel. Experts say higher economic activities would boost commercial and industrial demand in the coming months.
Besides, they opined that scorching heat during summer would result in higher consumption of power for running air conditioners and other cooling appliances. They are of the view that it would be a challenge to meet unprecedented high demand of electricity in India April onwards.