Technology can feel inseparable from the wider world of business – espe- cially with how much conversation goes into topics like AI. If your business doesn’t have the right technology, do you even have a chance? You do, but it’s important to understand how useful technology can be when utilized properly. The key, however, is understanding what differentiates the proper use of a certain tool and when you’re hoping for a tool to do all of the heavy lifting.
With so many different technologies to choose from, though, even getting to that initial point can feel incredibly difficult.
There is always going to be a popular, topical technology that dominates much of the conversation. In the present tense, you might find that AI fits this slot – and there is a lingering question of whether or not you should put resources towards making this a regular part of your structure. There’s no definitive answer, but that aspect of integration is important – it needs to be something that can support your efforts; it can’t necessarily be expected to overhaul them.
However, if you have kept a close eye on the unfolding situation around an emergent technology like AI and decided that it would operate well within your business, you might start to think differently about your progression and how this new direction can be used to take you further.
The Means to Go Further
Longevity might be a word worth considering at this junction – identifying technologies that have the potential to be useful beyond their initial application. Multipurpose solutions or technologies that can be used to improve an aspect of your business in a myriad of ways, like Kong API management, might make for a more worthwhile investment because of this flexibility.
This is also potentially true with something newer like AI that might have a wider range of applications than you initially suspect. However, it’s that certainty that can make the difference, allowing you to confidently put such a technology into action immediately without having to make guesses about how it could potentially be used in the future.
The Industry Standard
Different industries are also going to have certain technologies that pertain directly to them, meaning that the direction of your investment is absolutely going to be directed in this manner.
It might be that you feel as though the way your business is structured and operating is completely up to the standards of your expectations of where you should be. However, if your competitors are using a certain technology to produce results that you’re not capable of, you might find that it ends up impacting audience perception of your brand.
Meeting the industry standard is essential when it comes to complying with regulations and ensuring that safety is present in your considerations. However, when it comes to following the template that people expect of businesses in your field, there is flexibility and room to do things differently, which could be a direction that benefits you depending on your own situation.
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