Not only does making the effort to become a more conscientious, sustainable, and ethical employer appeal to current and new recruits alike, but it will also make you a more attractive company that people want to do business with.
With this in mind, continue reading to discover a selection of ethical ways to become a more conscientious employer.
Go Green!
Perhaps the most impressive and effective change you can make, both to your core business model and to the way your company operates on a day-to-day basis, is to ‘
go green’.
Making the transformation to become a more sustainable and environmentally friendly business will not only make you more attractive to clients and customers and increase repeat custom, but it will also stand you in good stead for B2B transactions and deals.
Just a few of the many ways that you can ensure that your business is a much eco-friendlier one include:
• Planting trees and shrubs on-site around the property
• Ensuring that you only use suppliers who are sustainable
• Recycling all your old technologies and electronics
• Replacing appliances throughout the building with energy efficient alternatives
• Improving your recycling system
• Conserving water wherever and whenever possible
Even the simple act of encouraging your employees to carpool instead of all driving their own car to work can make a difference to a greener business.
Provide Incentives for a Healthier Home Life
Whether the vast majority of your team members work in a traditional office setting, with a ‘normal’ working day of nine to five, or your company mixes hybrid working solutions with travelling salesman, the provision of more detailed incentives for a healthier home life would be an impressive change.
Healthcare providers who
provide impressive rewards for making healthy choices in terms of food and exercise and financial compensation for time off work due to illness not only make your employees feel more appreciated and valued, but also make for a much more ethical business model moving forward.
Consider Your Employees’ Emotional Well-being
These days and frankly, not before time, businesses across the UK and beyond are now much more forward-thinking when it comes to making reasonable adjustments and generally taking care of employees who are suffering with their mental health.
There are plenty of practical and relatively simple ways that
managers can support their employees’ levels of emotional well-being, such as building a company culture of ‘checking in’ regularly with each other, offering flexible working options such as working from home where applicable and investing in additional sensitivity training for heads of departments.
Provide for the Local Community
Finally, another amazing way to transform into a more ethical company is to
give back to the community around you.
Otherwise known as becoming more socially responsible as a business, giving back to the local community could take the form of donating products or services to charity fundraisers and events, holding a company fun run and raising sponsorship money, and of course, ensuring that your entire supply chain has a focus on eco-friendly manufacturing processes.