Kalpataru Power Transmission arm JMC Projects has won novel orders of Rs 1,262 crore. "Kalpataru Power Transmission Projects arm JMC Projects, a civil engineering and EPC company has secured new orders of Rs 1,262 crore (received orders of Rs 431 crore in March 2021 and Rs 831 crore
in month of April 2021 till date)," a BSE filing said.
The orders comprise building projects in India of Rs 1,059 crores and water project in Maldives of about Rs 203 crore.
S K Tripathi (CEO and Deputy Managing Director) said, "The international order in the Water business is a milestone in our growth journey and marks our entry in Maldives for the first time. The order in Maldives reinforces our thrust to diversify in the international EPC market."
The total order acquires for 2020‐21 were around Rs 7,900 crore.
JMC Projects (India), a subsidiary of Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited, is a contracting company. It generates services across the construction segment for majority of the industries and project categories.