On Tuesday, Union Minister for Coal and Mines Pralhad Joshi said his ministry is switching the coal linkage of Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) from Mahanadi Coalfields
Limited (MCL) to Western Coalfields Limited (WCL).
"We are swapping the entire coal linkage of Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd from @mahanadicoal to @TeamWCL. This has been made possible owing to our efforts at the Centre and close coordination with CM @BSYBJP ji. It will help KPCL save upto Rs 265 crores," Joshi said in a tweet.
He added this swapping will empower KPCL source 26.46 lakh metric tonnes of coal per annum from WCL, which is in close proximity.
This will support in generating electricity at a cheaper cost and round-the-clock access to power to the people of Karnataka.