Among all Indian Union Territories, Chandigarh has emerged as the largest producer of solar energy. Union Minister of New and Renewable Energy and Power, RK Singh, in response to a question during the current Monsoon Session of Parliament, Chandigarh has an impressive installed solar power capacity of 63.59 MW as of June 30. Jammu and Kashmir, with a solar power capacity of 53.29 MW, came in second place to Chandigarh. Following Puducherry in terms of solar power capacity are Daman and Diu (41.1 MW), Andaman and Nicobar (29.91 MW), Ladakh (7.80 MW), Dadar and Nagar Haveli (5.46 MW), and Lakshadweep (3.27 MW).
The government has set a lofty goal of installing 100 GW of solar generating capacity nationwide by 2022, according to Union Minister RK Singh, although state-specific targets have not yet been specified. As of June 30, the nation has erected an astonishing 70.10 GW of solar power capacity, while another 55.90 GW was still being installed.
Chandigarh has made remarkable attempts to harness solar energy, with the UT Administration initially intending to reach 75 MW by August 15. The Chandigarh Renewable Energy and Science and Technology Promotion Society (CREST), the organisation in charge of carrying out renewable energy projects in the city, has chosen to extend the deadline even though it might not be met on Independence Day.
The administration has set a goal of 100 MWp by 2025 in order to transform UT into a leading solar metropolis. In addition, a plan will be created to meet the city's solar power generation needs by 2030. Two floating sun power plants in the Sector 39 waterworks, a 1 MWp solar plant on the shed of the parking lot close to DT Mall in the IT Park, and rooftop solar projects on institutional buildings are just a few of the proposed projects.
Chandigarh is making great progress towards a greener future with the installation of a total of 23 solar power projects throughout the city. 20 solar power facilities with a total capacity of 4.5 MWp are currently almost finished.
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