Today, BrightNight declared its entrance into India's energy market with two key hires based in New Delhi. Sajay KV has united as India CEO and Naveen Khandelwal has joined as India COO and CFO.
Combined, BrightNight's novel India management team members have contributed to the delivery of 10 GW of renewable projects across India, and raised more than $2.5 billion in capital for energy projects.
Sajay and Naveen bring a wealth of experience in wind, solar, and storage technology which
would serve the firm well as they develop, operate, and maintain dispatchable renewable power projects across the country.
BrightNight is excited to get its advanced solutions to India's renewable energy market, which is expected to grow from 100GW to 450GW by 2030. BrightNight Founder and CEO, Martin Hermann emphasized that the firm views India as "a critical market with the opportunity to be a global energy decarbonization leader" adding that the company is "excited to be a regional partner with a large team based in New Delhi."
While India has seen a remarkable investment in standard renewable energy infrastructure, BrightNight would provide power off-takers with next generation hybrid, peak and firm power solutions that would outpace standard project dispatchability, reliability, and safety. BrightNight solutions would be critical for the country's continued journey towards a renewable energy future.
As standard renewable energy solutions continue to energize, intermittent supply combined with growing demand would pose a threat to reliability and be increasingly challenging to manage. In contrast, BrightNight renewable power solutions would offer operators with industry-leading dispatchability and energy management tools so clients can confidently decarbonize without compromising reliability.