Bharat Biotech International limited the Vaccine innovator has sought after approval for its indigenously developed Covid-19 vaccine Covaxin in more than 60 countries including the United States, Brazil and Hungary, among others.
In a statement on Tuesday evening, the vaccine
maker said it has obtained emergency use authorisations from 13 countries so far and more were in the process.
The countries that granted emergency use licences (EUL) include Mexico, Philippines, Iran, Paraguay, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Guyana, Venezuela, Botswana, Zimbabwe, among others.
Bharat Biotech stated it has also submitted an EUL application with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and expects the regulatory approvals by the July-September quarter.
Raches Ella, head of business development and international advocacy at Bharat Biotech, told a conference of women entrepreneurs in Hyderabad on Saturday that the vaccine maker was in the process of obtaining prequalification approvals for Covaxin from the WHO. “A few of our products in the past got their (WHO’s) approval. We expect approval for Covaxin by the end of Q3 or Q4.”