Bengaluru, India, will host the first Energy Transition Working Group (ETWG) conference of the G20 during India's leadership from February 5 to 7. Energy security and diverse supply chains, energy efficiency, industrial low carbon transitions, responsible consumption, fuels for the future (3F), universal access to clean energy, and inclusive energy transition pathway are the six major areas that will be the emphasis of the summit. A high-
level international conference on Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage will be held in conjunction with the ETWG meeting (CCUS). Over 150 people will attend the summit, including representatives from the G20 and nine special invited guests: Bangladesh, Egypt, Mauritius, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman, Singapore, the UAE, and Spain. Leading international organisations will also attend the meeting, including The World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UN Development Program (UNDP), International Energy Agency (IEA), Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), UN Environment Program (UNEP), International Solar Alliance (ISA), and UN International Development Organization (UNIDO).
The event will emphasise the value of carbon capture, utilisation, and storage, which is seen to be essential for achieving net-zero aspirations. While covering various technological components of the value chain, from capturing to storage and utilisation paths, it will also discuss the difficult issues of the clean energy transition and the role of CCUS in tackling them. According to government sources, this gathering would facilitate the sharing of knowledge from effective programmes that can be applied to other rising economies.