Turnkey services have become the new way of delivery of services, manifesting the essence of end-to-end addressal of the customers' requirements. Service providers are constantly changing their approach to alleviate the traditional concerns of customization and scalability. With their evolution, turnkey services are proving to be a game changer. Acknowledging its importance, we have focused this issue solely on it. The cover story of this issue features Tanaji's Creative Turnkey Projects Pvt Ltd (TCTPPL), which has been a prominent figure in carrying-out construction across industrial, institutional, commercial, and residential projects on a pan-India turnkey basis since its inception in 2020. Today, TCTPPL is known in the market as a reputed firm that is into Design & Build Civil Con-struction, and MEP contracts. The company has been successfully catering to its clients' needs as per their requirement. As clients expect a single win-dow solution, TCTPPL handholds its clients' right from design to commis-sioning; also called as the LOCK & KEY project.
Also featuring in this issue is Abhyuday Bharat Projects Pvt Ltd, one of the leading Project Management Consulting companies with expertise in Industrial Cluster Development, Techno Economic Services, and Turnkey Projects for Industries, Businesses & Government Agencies. Abhyuday has a track record of more than 10 years for industrial cluster development projects. The issue also covers Kruti Group, which offers a wide range of electrical and industrial automation solutions and services to the consumers around the world. Kruti has integrated its smart electrical systems with au-tomation & IT technologies. Its turnkey solution covers all phases of operation starting from study of the application to concept design, manufacturing, programming and testing with customer training and commissioning.
After studying this market landscape of turnkey projects in-depth, we have zeroed-in on the top 10 companies that have excelled in the market with their innovative approach. Having proven their dedication to efficiency in order to meet the customer expectations in an end-to-end manner, these companies have stood-out from the crowd.
We look forward to receiving your feedback and suggestions.
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