Projects in the renewable energy sector worth Rs 1 lakh crore will begin construction in Uttar Pradesh soon, state's Additional Chief Secretary for Renewable Energy, Mahesh Gupta said. The senior bureaucrat claimed that during the UP Global Investors Summit in Lucknow earlier this year, the state received investment bids worth over Rs 7.50 lakh crore.
He was visiting the 16th edition of the Renewable Energy India Expo, being held along with the first edition of Battery Show India in Greater Noida. He noted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set a target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2070 for the country, which makes renewable energy an important sector.
While multipronged efforts are being made to achieve this target, Uttar Pradesh is also contributing to it. Uttar Pradesh launched its biofuel and solar energy policy in November 2022. "In the Global Investors Summit this year, we received investment proposals worth Rs 7.50 lakh crore in the renewable energy sector. It's our earnest effort to execute these proposals on the ground and we are working towards it", Gupta said.
"Very soon, we are going to have groundbreaking of renewable energy projects worth around Rs 1 lakh crore. We are working towards it and are handholding the projects", the additional Chief Secretary said. "As of now, biofuel and solar energy projects are prominent verticals in the renewable energy sector in Uttar Pradesh", he added.
Gupta said he has interacted with buyers and exhibitors at the ongoing Renewable Energy India Expo and termed it as an "important platform for all stakeholders". The Uttar Pradesh government is working to push green energy and take it to new heights, he added.
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