The Union Budget for 2023–2024 included an allocation of Rs 9,410 crore for NPCIL, the country's sole operator of nuclear power plants, as it plans to increase the nation's capacity for atomic energy production. In comparison to the revised estimate of Rs 6,551 crore for the current fiscal year, the allocation to the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) increased by Rs 2,859 crore. The NPCIL would raise an additional Rs 12,863 crore from internal and extra
budgetary resources, which are resources raised by the PSUs through profits, loans, and equity, in addition to the budgetary allotment. The amount allotted to the Department of Atomic Energy is Rs. 25,078.49 crore, which is less than the Rs. 25,965.67 crore it had received in the updated projections for the fiscal year 2022–2023.
During the fiscal year 2024, Indian Rare Earths Ltd, Uranium Corporation of India Ltd, and Electronics Corporation of India Ltd would receive a combined total of Rs 120.30 crore, Rs 59.82 crore, and Rs 15 crore from the Department of Atomic Energy.
The Nuclear Regulatory Board's Fuel Recycle Projects have received Rs 805.21 crore as opposed to the Rs 703.5 crore they had been allotted under the revised projections for 2022–2023. It relates to the building of the Integrated Nuclear Recycle Project, which will increase the supply of fuel to the nuclear power program's second stage. India now has 6,780 MW of nuclear power installed, and by 2031, it expects to construct 21 more nuclear power generating units, bringing the total installed capacity to 15,700 MW.