Responding to the comments of the prime minister in Lok Sabha regarding having faith in the abilities of the private sector, industry leaders Anand Mahindra and Sajjan Jindal said India Inc will have to live up to the expectations. PM showered praises on the private sector for its role in India’s growth, national progress and enhancing the country’s prestige globally.
Mahindra and Jindal took Modi’s words as a great encouragement for the “community that has been creating wealth and jobs in the country”. “Welcome the words of encouragement at a fragile time for private enterprise due to the pandemic. Now we have to live up to the expectations, both in performance & governance,” Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra tweeted.
Mahindra was responding to the remarks of Modi, who, during his reply in the Lok Sabha to the discussion on the motion of thanks to the President’s address, stated that the public sector is essential but at the same time, the role of the private sector is also vital. Pitching for private enterprises, Modi had said there should be faith in the abilities of India’s young population and everyone should get opportunities.
The prime minister had cited the examples of telecom and pharma sectors to note as to how the robust presence of private firms in these fields has helped people, with even the poor using smartphones, and mobile calls costing virtually nothing due to competitiveness.