On Thursday, Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari said that India will happen to an automobile manufacturing hub in five years. Gadkari claimed the statement in the Lok Sabha during the ongoing Budget Session.
"Tesla is coming to India. India will be an automobile manufacturing hub in 5 years," Gadkari said.
Listing out the advantages of the scrappage
policy, Gadkari added that it will be good for both the economy and the environment. "Scrapping centres will benefit automobile manufacturers and component makers. Vehicle recycling will reduce the cost of components for the automobile industry."
Gadkari requested to the MPs to switch to electric and bio-fuels.
"We are encouraging ethanol, hydrogen, CNG and bio-fuel also. Within a year, lithium-ion batteries will be 100 percent 'Made in India'. Within two years, the cost of electric two-wheelers will be equivalent to petrol two-wheelers," Gadkari said.
Gadkari also requesting to all OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer) to give five percent discount in return for a scrapping certificate. He claimed that 3.7 crore people will benefit directly and indirectly because of the policy.
Gadkari said India has 51 lakh light motor vehicles which are older than 20 years, 34 lakh light motor vehicles which are older than 15 years, and 17 lakh medium and heavy commercial vehicles which are older than 15 years and without a valid fitness certificate.