The Tamil Nadu government is making a strategy to buyback plastic products and to be set up Reverse Vending machines in association with FMCG companies. The Chief Minister inaugurated a campaign to make Tamil Nadu plastic-free and to promote cloth bags in large volumes and is also in talks with a major corporate company for construction of 1,000 toilets in the state made of non-recyclable plastic waste.
This will reduce the stress caused by the overuse of plastic in the environment; the government is planning a strategy to improve Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) for the manufacturers.
The Chief Minister's office has already directed all the district administrations to have a discussion with the companies in their respective districts to evolve strategies regarding buy-back plans of plastics and for use of this material in the construction industry.
Tamil Nadu environment department sources told IANS that the Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages (HCCB) is in talks with the Tiruvallur district administration for use of construction materials from plastic waste.
The HCCB has entered into an association with Ricron Panels, a company that has specialised in the business of converting plastic waste into eco-friendly construction material.