Simple Energy has inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Tamil Nadu Government for an investment upto Rs 2,500 crore for constructing the largest electric two-wheeler plant in Dharmapuri. As part of Phase 1, the first plant of 2 lakh square feet is being constructed near Shoolagiri (Hosur) and has the capacity of upto 1 million production units per year and is slated to be operational by early 2022. This would put the flagship scooter ‘Simple One’ into production and begin deliveries.
The company shall make an initial investment of
Rs 1,000 crores to set up its second plant (as part of Phase 2) in 600 acres of land and intends to open the second factory by 2023. By investing in the second plant, the firm has established its intent to build an EV ecosystem in the state, which would also have a future-ready R&D centre, world-class testing facility, and a vendor park in accordance with the Build in India initiative.
Simple Energy’s flagship e-scooter Simple One launched in August 2021 has the range of 203km in eco mode and 236km in IDC in a single charge. It is available in four colours.
Suhas Rajkumar, Founder and CEO of Simple Energy, stated “Tamil Nadu gave us the confidence in creating the EV ecosystem which can be sustainable in achieving our long-term goals. With the MoU, we commit to leading the Indian E2W market in India by setting up a resourceful ecosystem that will help the country’s vision to lower carbon footprints at a faster pace. Simple Energy will thus redefine electric mobility in India."
The firm wants to export out of this new facility and create more than 12000 direct and indirect jobs. Simple Energy also aims at reducing dependence on imports, and enlarges focus on localization of parts.