Bajaj Auto announced an investment of Rs 300 crore for a brand-new unit at Akurdi for manufacturing EVs. The company said it has started work for the new unit production of 500,000 EVs per annum.
As per the company, the new unit will have cutting-edge robotic and automated manufacturing systems for everything including logistics and material handling, fabrication and painting, assembly and quality assurance.
The new unit is spread over half a million sq feet and will employ 800 personnel.
Besides, the investment made by Bajaj Auto will
be supplemented by a number of vendors, who will invest a further Rs 250 crore.
"In 2001, Bajaj 2.0 took off on the roaring Pulsar, in 2021 Bajaj 3.0 arrives on the charming Chetak.
Going forward, for the Bajaj portfolio, except for implementing one state-of-the-art ICE platform that is currently under development, all our R&D drive train resources are now laser focused on creating EV solutions for the future," said Rajiv Bajaj - Managing Director, Bajaj Auto.
"This alignment reflects our belief that light Electric Vehicles for sustainable urban mobility is an idea whose time may finally have come. Thus, this investment at Akurdi completes the virtuous cycle of hi-tech R&D competencies, high-efficiency engineering capabilities, world class supply chain synergies, and global distribution network which should leapfrog us into a market leading position in EVs in India and overseas."
"This new EV manufacturing unit at Akurdi is co-located with Bajaj Auto's state-of-the-art R&D centre to foster greater collaboration, leading to faster time-to-market," the company said . Thus
"It should transform Bajaj Auto's Akurdi facility into a hub for design, development and manufacturing of a complete range of Electric Vehicles."