Automaker Renault India on Thursday stated it has launched a vehicle scrapping programme in association with the country's first organised scrap vehicle recycling company CERO. The maker of Kwid and Triber has launched 'R.E.L.I.V.E' programme in association with CERO Recycling, a joint venture between Mahindra Intertrade Ltd and MSTC - a government of India enterprise.
The company's initiative is to provide the potential client’s with a seamless hassle-free channel to scrap their old vehicles, buy new Renault vehicles and also avail attractive benefits on their new purchase.
"We are extremely confident that this associaton will ensure a hassle-free experience for the clients and adoption of new technology and promote safety on the Indian roads in a scientific and environment-friendly manner," Renault India Operations Country CEO and MD Venkatram Mamillapalle stated in a statement.
With its eco-friendly practices, CERO will assist reduce carbon footprint, making a zero-waste and zero pollution ecosystem, while Renault to offer attractive and exclusive guaranteed benefits on new vehicle purchase, he added in statement.
Renault have established this programme for its customers in six locations, including Delhi NCR, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune and Bangalore.
The interested customers who will bring their old/end of life vehicles of any brand to Renault's authorised dealerships will get a fair scrap valuation quote post appropriate evaluation of the vehicles, along with an additional guaranteed scrap benefit over the existing monthly offers on its products, including Kwid, Triber and Duster.
Renault dealerships along with CERO Recycling will be handling the entire process from vehicle evaluation to official de-registration at the RTO and handing over the official certificate of deposit/destruction of old vehicles to provide a hassle-free experience to there customer’s.
The automaker will also provide the exclusive channel for scrapping old two-wheelers.
Mahindra Intertrade Managing Director Sumit Issar stated it has set up dismantling centres at Greater Noida, Pune and Chennai and collection centres in major cities such as Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Chandigarh.
"In future, CERO has plans to have a presence in 25 cities within the next 8-10 months. The arrangement with Renault is going to strengthen the reach and benefit all Renault vehicle customers and prospects who are looking for solutions for scrapping their old vehicles," he added in statement.