Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invited the private sectors to come forward in manufacturing as well as in the design and development of defense items to spread the country’s glory worldwide. Addressing a webinar on the effective implementation of the Union Budget's provisions in the defense sector, the prime minister listed a series of measures taken by his government
to boost self-reliance in the defense sector and rued the fact that the country is amongst the biggest defense importers in the world.
"An India that has the capacity to reach Mars could have made modern weapons also, but it became an easy way to import weapons from abroad," he said. But now, the country is working hard to change the situation and also to enhance its capacities and capabilities at a fast pace, the prime minister asserted.
The Prime Minister said that India has made a list of 100 important items related to defense and these can be manufactured only with the help of the country’s own local Industry.
Speaking on the positives, the Prime Minister said, "It is a negative list in the official language but in the language of self-reliance it is a positive list. This is the positive list on the strength of which our own manufacturing capacity is going to increase. This is the positive list that will do job creation in India itself."