The plastic manufacturing industry should aim to increase turnover to Rs 10 lakh crore in the next five years from Rs three lakh crore presently, said Union minister of commerce and industry Piyush Goyal. Goyal, who was reviewing the functioning
of the plastic industry, said dependence on second-hand machinery was not the way forward and that there was huge potential in increasing the manufacture of plastic machinery in India and dropping dependence on imports.
Emphasizing that the plastic industry was one of the biggest generators of employment in the country, he said it should now aim to double employment as well in five years with the likely increase in turnover.
He also asked participants from the industry to focus on quality.
"A less-than-good quality machinery would only produce substandard products. In order to compete globally, world class machinery needs to be used for all kinds of production," the commerce and industry ministry quoted Goyal as saying.