The productivity of solar plants in North Central Railway (NCR) is rising upwards by generating 94 lakh units of energy. According to the information given by North Central Railway, comparing to generated 81 lakh units of energy using solar power during April-December 2020-21, this year 94 lakhs units of energy have been generated using solar power in the same period.
NCR has a total installed capacity of 11.03 MWp.
The rooftop solar plants have been installed at station buildings, workshops, training schools, General Managers (GM) office and Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) office buildings.
An important parameter of the performance of solar plants is the Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF).
NCR solar panels have shown a CUF of 12.9 per cent during the said period which is considered as an appreciable performance and NCR has set an ambitious target for 2021-22 to generate the highest ever solar energy to the tune of 1.3 crore units, thereby saving about Rs 5 crores.
Under this, monitoring of solar energy generation is being done for each plant also a solar diary was also introduced to SSEs for systematic documentation and focussed monitoring of energy and other important data in a structured manner.