NLC India Ltd on Thursday said it has registered an 18.64 per cent rise in power generation at 2,920 crore units in FY22. "This is the highest ever
generation in a financial year since inception of the company, and is 18.64 per cent higher than the generation made during the previous year 2020-21. (2461.30 crore units)," the navratna public sector unit said in a BSE filing.
A new record has been created in terms of electricity generation, with the power stations of NLC India Ltd and its subsidiaries together generating 2,920 crore units of electricity (29.20 billion units) during 2021-22, it said.
The company and its subsidiaries have also exported 2,589 crore units of power during the year under review, which was 19.75 per cent higher than the preceding year.