State-run NHPC on Tuesday said it has signed on an order worth Rs 188.19 crore with Tata Power Solar Systems to build a 40 megawatt (MW) solar power project at Ganjam, in Odisha.
In a regulatory filing the firm said, it has awarded an EPC (engineering procurement and construction) contract to Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd on May 24, 2021 for development
of a 40-MW solar power project in Odisha for Rs 188.19 crore.
The EPC contract comprises the installation of the solar power plant on government land attained by NHPC Ltd for the said purpose through the state agency Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (IDCO).
The contract also embraces work of allied 220 KV transmission line for connectivity at 220 KV OPTCL Transmission System through Lilo Provision and comprehensive O&M (operation and maintenance) for 10 years.
The power generated from the project would be obtained by Grid Corporation of Odisha (GRIDCO) for the whole project life of 25 years.
The project has been sanctioned by MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy) under the Solar Park Scheme and is arranged to be commissioned within a period of 12 months.