A 525 MW pumped storage power plant would be built next to the Indira Sagar Dam in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh, according to proposals revealed by the Narmada Hydroelectric Development Corporation Ltd. An estimated 4,200 crore rupees will be spent on the project's construction. With the help of the Indira Sagar and Omkareshwar reservoirs of the Indira Sagar Project, it seeks to meet the state's rising peak hour electricity demand.
"The state's energy needs during peak energy hours (morning and evening) may be satisfied with the additional renewable energy provided by this Pumped Storage Project. According to the ministry of power, the project will produce 1,226.93 million units of energy during peak hours.
"The state of Madhya Pradesh has a potential for 11.2 GW of pumped storage projects. In the Khandwa district, two NHDC Limited power plants Indira Sagar Power Station (1000 MW) and Omkareshwar Power Station (520 MW) are now in operation. The state of Madhya Pradesh receives all of the power generated by these power plants.
The ministry claims that NHDC has plans to turn the state green by generating green energy and erecting solar power facilities. The 8 MW solar project in Sanchi, a historic city, and the 88 MW floating solar project on the Omkareshwar Reservoir are both under construction. A joint venture between the government of Madhya Pradesh and NHPC Ltd.
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