Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) announced on Friday that it has signed an agreement with the Haryana government to establish the state's second Japan-India Institute for Manufacturing (JIM). The new institute will be located in Kansala, Haryana, and will open its doors next year.
The existing ITI Kansala will be upgraded to a JIM with a 5.8 crore investment, according to a statement from the automaker.
The Haryana government has provided the land and building for the JIM, Kansala, while the company will provide equipment, training modules, and trained teachers, as well as manage the institute for the next 15 years, according to the company.
"India's passenger vehicle industry is now the world's third largest and is expanding. It is our responsibility to prepare human capacity to match manufacturing capacity in order to meet this growth," said MSI Executive Director Corporate Affairs Rahul Bharti.
Providing youth with industry-ready skills will aid in the realisation of the vision of an Atmanirbhar Bharat, he added.
MSI currently operates three JIMs, one in Gujarat and two in Haryana. The addition of the second institute in Rohtak would bring the total number of such institutes in the country to four.
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