The Indian Navy has set up two task forces to work with domestic companies with an aim to meet its weapon and other essential equipment requirements under the Make in India campaign, officials disclosed on Wednesday. These task forces headed by the Navy chief admiral Dinesh K Tripathi are aimed at interacting with domestic industries to assess their potential in manufacturing standard equipment and weapons for the naval force.
Currently, the Admiral has been reaching out to local manufacturers with the view of having them supply most of the Navy’s needs. Instead of focusing on the force’s requirements for a range of technologies and systems, the Navy is considering how domestic industries can help advance its goals. Besides, Admiral Tripathi has been moving around industrial enclaves with Navy teams to evaluate their productive capacity.
The Indian Navy is leading the way in the process of indigenisation and almost all its warships and submarines are manufactured in India. Over the next few years, the Navy has proposed heavy purchases worth lakhs of crores from the Indian industries and shipyards. Some of the immediate orders are Rs 1.6 lakh crores for submarines of various types to counter threats from China and Pakistan as per the defence officials.
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