Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd (KPTL) and its subsidiaries received orders totaling Rs 3,079 crore. These orders include Rs 1,234 crore for civil construction work on a data centre and structures, Rs 754 crore for EPC (engineering procurement and construction) work on a railway project, and Rs 708 crore for water supply projects in India.
Additionally, it won contracts for Rs 233 crore for residential and institutional construction projects in Africa and Rs 150 crore for T&D (transmission and distribution) business in foreign markets.
The business stated that "KPTL and its overseas subsidiaries have secured new orders/notification of awards of Rs 3,079 crore in the month of March-23 and to date in April-23." KPTL's MD and CEO, Manish Mohnot, stated: "The orders in the water and railway industries have strengthened the order book and strengthened our position in these markets.
Our B&F business is expanding into new markets including data centres, academic complexes, and institutional buildings, strengthening and diversifying its presence." One of the biggest specialised EPC firms, KPTL works on motorways, airports, flyovers, metro rail, buildings & factories (B&F), water supply & irrigation, railways, oil & gas pipelines and urban mobility (Flyovers & Metro Rail).